3 Tips for Staying Healthy During Cold Season

Cold season is a frustrating one for many, as we find ourselves more susceptible to bugs with this colder weather. The increase of germs spreading means an increased risk of colds and other illnesses which can mean time lost on work and other activities. 

And while it may seem impossible to stay healthy with all of these illnesses circulating around you, the good news is that it’s possible to not only stay healthy but avoid getting sick at all. To help you, here are some of the best tips for staying healthy during the cold season and beyond.

Boost Your Defenses

The key to a good offense is a good defense. Your immune system is your first line of defense against battling cold-season germs. You can strengthen it by eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated throughout the day. You can also take vitamin supplements which can help boost your immune health, and pump your body full of antioxidants and special vitamins. 

Lastly, you should get regular exercise which will enhance your overall immune response, and strengthen your body. Whether you’re over the age of 70, or under the age of 35, physical exercise can make a world of difference in how well your body responds to germs.

Practice Good Hygiene

Practicing good hygiene is important all year round, however, it can be especially important when there are so many germs everywhere during the cold season. It’s important that you wash your hands several times a day, particularly before moments like eating or touching your face. 

If you’re not around any running water, then you should carry around a small hand sanitizer with you. While nothing replaces warm water and soap, sanitizer can help out in a pinch. Lastly, always make sure that you cover your coughs and sneezes by using your elbow or tissue. This will help reduce the spread of germs and ultimately illness. 

Get Plenty of Rest

One of the most underestimated aspects of staying healthy is getting plenty of rest. Unfortunately, when you don’t get enough rest you make yourself that much more vulnerable to an immune system attack. 

You should aim for at least seven hours of sleep a night, and upwards of nine or ten depending on your unique requirements. If this seems like a challenge to you, then try to establish a healthy bedtime routine. Go to bed at the same time every day, and try to create a restful environment by avoiding any distractions, screens, or lights. 

Create a ritual for yourself that gets you into a sleepy state of mind, and the more you practice it, the more likely you are to fall asleep at the same time every night. This can make a world of difference in your overall well-being both physically and mentally.